Institute of music

Once upon a time there was a student wanting to become a smart person. He was dumb at the time, that’s why he wanted to become smart.
He was so dumb that he couldn’t even tell the difference between Reynolds number and the Planck constant!
Because of his dumbness he needed to study something easy. A really easy study would make him feel like a smart person, because studying is studying no matter what type of study. So he decided to take the plunge and went to the institute of music. This institute of music teaches dumb persons all kinds of things related to music.
The student knew it was going to be easy, after all he knew a lot about music. He knew what Michael Jackson was and knew that Elvis Presley was a big Hollywood actor.
However, on his first test he failed. He was too dumb for the music institute, can you imagine?
He got kicked out of the institute. He cried and wanted to become smart.  He never became smart, but he did become famous in a band as the lead singer. You can be dumb and a good singer. He lived happily ever after and stayed dumb the rest of his life.

The celebrator

Once upon a time there was a little cat called the celebrator
Celebrator lived in a wooden house floating on the water of a large river. The river was full of fish and was surrounded by forest. Little did Celebrator know that there were some obscure fish swimming in the deep river.  Celebrator made his living by performing in the local bar close to his floating house. The bar was crowded every night and Celebrator sang beautiful songs every single night. During the day he needed to find some food in order to stay alive. There wasn’t a grocery store in the village, so he had to catch the food by himself.  Celebrator had lots of money because he was performing every night, but he couldn’t buy anything in the village, except for the drinks in the bar. When he went fishing he was looking for the small fish and just grabbed them with his claws. On one particular day he caught a small fish and started to eat, what he didn’t know is that a very big fish chased the fish just before Celebrator caught him. The big fish jumped out the water and ate the cat. The cat was dead. The other cats in the village were very grateful, because now they didn’t have to pay Celebrator anymore and his awful performances were history.

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The penguin sang

Once upon a time there was a penguin swimming in the cold ocean. He was swimming because it was too difficult for the penguin to walk on the water. Just a few people ever managed to walk on water, but it’s never been done by a penguin. This particular penguin was looking for music, it was too boring in the wide ocean and all he could hear were the waves and the wind blowing in his ears.  Because he was a penguin he didn’t know what music was. But he heard from a good friend that he needed to find music. The penguin was too proud to ask what his friend meant by music. That’s why he decided to go and find out himself. After days of swimming he arrived on shore where he saw a lot of other penguins. He asked one of them if he found the music. The penguin replied by turning his back to him. The penguin decided to start singing and dancing while playing drums. The other penguins started to dance and cheer as well. After about half an hour one of the dancing penguins shouted that the music sounded incredible. Now the penguin knew what music was and he loved it.

People and the songs

Once upon a time there was a group of people trying to find music of their liking. 
Just like the little boy, they couldn't find any decent songs in the woods.
So they've decided to leave the woods for now and resume their search in the big city.

Once they've arrived in the big city they could hear and see all kinds of artists playing music on the streets.
This is what they've wanted! Now they've found their music and started to dance immediately.
After weeks of dancing, the people got a little bored and decided to make their own music.
That would never make them feel bored, because if it did, they could always change the melody, so they figured.

They played for weeks on the street and everybody gave them money, because the music they've played was so great.One day a man came to see the band of the people playing. He was a rich man owning a record company.He was so impressed that he decided to offer them a contract.The people thought they would benefit from the contract and decided to sign it. After signing the contract, a whole new world opened for the people. It was so amazing!They didn't have to play on the streets anymore and played in large venues instead.They became even richer than they already were. The people lived happily ever after!

Music blog

The music chronicle

Once upon a time, there was a little boy , looking  for music.
He didn't know what it was, because music didn't exist back then, but the boy knew he wanted it.
So he started wandering around in the forest trying to find that precious music.
After walking long distances in the dark and scary forest, all he found was a wolf.
The wolf however wasn't so keen to see a little boy wandering around in the woods looking for music.
So the wolf decided to take care of the little boy.

The wolf and the boy were now together looking for the thing called music.
After some time they walked into a open field with lots of beautiful flowers.
And the flowers weren't the only beautiful things in the field. 
The full moon was visible as well, so the wolf started to sing.
The boy knew was happening, he found the music and decided to sing along with the wolf.
And they lived happily ever after!